
Friday, January 30, 2004

Friday, Jan. 30, 2004
3:40 a.m.

Bump, Bump, Bump...
Hello. It's 3:40 a.m. What's going on? Ebay. Damn right.

Nothing new really. Capcom's Onimusha 3 for the PS2 looks beautiful. For your daily fix of video game news, check out the site I write for... www.VGONetwork.com !

Hrm. I won an auction on Ebay for Lunar: Silver Star Story for the Sega CD. I don't even have a Sega CD yet hahah. It's going to be my last Ebay purchase for awhile. I'm going to to start saving money for the Disneyland trip with Kailee.

I'm too lazy to update the lists, so I'll update em sometime over the weekend. I keep forgetting to add more AIM conversations. I've been having some pretty good ones too lol.

I need to fix my sleeping schedule. I sleep around 4:30 a.m. everyday now. I play a LOT of Tetris DX on my GBA SP before I hit the sack now lol. AlexMan has dethroned my top score of 470,000! He fuckin' blew it out of the water with his 770,000. WTF. Must have been a crazy luck drop of 4 liners.

I need a Namco joystick. Well not for me, for my brother. He's getting mad at the Tekken 4 Hori stick because he keeps fucking up when we play Soul Calibur II lol.

I'm a real weirdo, I've been keeping a log of things I've seen at local gaming stores and I've been listing them for reference lol. That's all for tonight, Tetris time.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004
11:20 p.m.

Talagang Crazy...

Hello. Unlike most people who use blogs/xangas/livejournals what have you, who use them to talk about the things they did, or the trivial questions about life... I use this as my relief from the world, to talk about things I like, video games, and geeky crap... Let me take a moment to break from the norm and talk about my life...

Life is hard. I can't sleep at night. I want to gripe and complain and vent so much. But I find much more peace and ease at just losing myself in something I enjoy.

Hahah. Whew, I feel so guilty for revealing so much about my life. Some may think I'm an online slut or something haha.

But seriously folks, back to the matter at hand. Went to class and I still gotta get my books. Holy crap man, there we go with the life talk again. But yeah, I went to GameStop and found a non GH version of Xenogears. WOOOO!

I also saw Braindead 13 today for only $6.99. That's the rarest PS1 long box title. I wonder if I should go back and get it. The only thing that kept me from getting it at the time was it did not include the instruction manual. Also hello is in order to my anonymous guest in my tagboard. Greetings!

Jan. 27th already. January has passed by so fast. I remember the month of Jan. 2003 very well. It happened fast. So memorable. Last year seems like it was just a few days ago. Time creeps up on us nowadays.

I better get that damn promotion at work, if so, I'm going to be CHILLIN like a motherfucker.

Okay, right now I'm planning on going to Disneyland on either Feb. 7 or Feb. 14. Anyone wanna come along for a family field trip? Haha. Here are some cool pictures:

Jin from Tekken, EWGF'n a party of unsuspectful Final Fantasy mages!!

My Precious!!
The most recent games I've added to my PS1 collection! Holla!!!

Will add more soon....

Monday, January 26, 2004

Monday, Jan. 26, 2004
8:55 p.m.

Happy Birthday n8!

Happy Birthday n8n! You're 21 now. Handle it. But don't get served by the black guy. Haha.

Just another day in the life of mine. Went to work. Now I'm here. Anyone see the video and the screenshots that were leaked from Star Wars Episode III? Looks pretty crazy. Hope they don't mess this one up!

Ahhhh. I was reading some girl's Xanga earlier today and she was talking about Feb. 14th and the history of Valentine's Day. Feb. 14th does not register in my system right now as Valentine's day. It's weird. And when I do think about Valentine's Day... I think about how cool it is in Japan. Girls buy gifts for their significant others and the guys don't get anything for them haha.

Anywho, Feb. 14th to me is the day that the Famicom GameBoy Advance SP comes out O_O!!! In some sad news, I won't be getting one of these bad boys anymore as the price went up to around $350(because it comes with like 12 games now). Sigh. I should have pre-ordered earlier when it was $150.

I'll update the lists soon, I got Shadow of Destiny(PS2), King's Quest V(NES) and Guilty Gear(PS1) finally. Woot.

I haven't done anything except stay home the last 2 weeks. I want to go to Disneyland, Sea World, or maybe the Zoo... I wanna take Kailee to a nice place she's never been before.

Alas, the day ends. AVERAGE JOE II! HOLY CRAP MAN.

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