
Friday, January 23, 2004

Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004
11:55 p.m.


WTF. I have insane luck this week. I get on the radio a few days ago for a contest. I get Suikoden II yesterday... and today I find 2 more RARE games. Someone up there must be watching me. Today I found Dragon Ball Final Bout GT and Suikoden at GameStop in Mission Valley. I also saw Intelligent Qube but passed on that. Those are 3 of the rarest games for the Playstation. O_O!? Maybe it's bait. Hahaha.

Another day has passed. School is in session. Lists updated.. oowowowowooooo!

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004
12:55 a.m.


First off I wanted to say a Happy Belated Birthday to my good pal JB. Happy Birthday again man! Anyways, today was a great day. Best day this week so far. I was able to get a copy of Suikoden II(PS1) in pristine condition AND the strategy guide! Suikoden is probably the most sought after game on the Playstation and it is now added to the geekmode collection. Thanks to my little brother for searching for it for me. Woke up kinda late today. Went to work, then went to find a gift for JB, no luck. Hope you take rainchecks homie.

At around 10 p.m. Ace and qbert came by so we could go to Dave and Buster's for JB and AJ's Birthday celebration. I see a lot of old friends from high school and work. We play a few games and chill for a bit, then JB goes home because he's had a little too much to drink. And now I am home. The end.

In other news, the preorders for the Famicom GBA SP closed at www.ncsx.com. I am sad now as I did not get a chance to preorder it. I'm an idiot. I'll now have to search for another way to get my hands on it. :( The geekmode search continues.

Lists updated.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Monday, Jan. 19, 2004
11:58 p.m.

Alas it begins...

Hello friends. I have a dentist appt. early tomorrow morning. I think I should sleep now. Great news, last night's geekmode hunting proved to be most exhilirating.

Since it was late, around 8 p.m. and nothing was open except for GameCrazy. I decided to tempt the fates and journey there. So I arrive and to the delight of my eyes I see a huge pile of Sega Saturn games complete with boxes. To my dismay, the only one worth getting was Clockwork Knight. The rest were sub par sports titles. After shopping around a bit more I ended up purchasing Unlimited Saga(PS2), Onimusha Warlords(PS2), Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny(PS2), and that Clockwork Knight(SAT)... best part of all the kind merchant who rang me up threw in a free copy of The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time/Master Quest(GCN) Bonus Disc! Not bad for about 50 bucks being spent.

And today after work today I was able to find pristine condition Vagrant Story(PS1) and Bushido Blade(PS1). Tis' a great way to start the week. And yes, my fellow readers who are actually reading this must be saying.... "what the fuck, why is Mark typing like that..." or "... Mark's such a fucking geek..." And you're right, and because I am a fucking geek.

Kailee was a cute lil girl this morning, we watched Spider-Man on DVD this morning. She loves that movie. Then I went to work, and now I'm here. The end. Lists updated... *looks at hands* lol.

Average Joe 2: Hawaii is the shit! The new season of American Idol was funny as hell too.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Sunday, Jan. 18, 2004
2:05 p.m.


Take warning. Take warning. Taken for granted. Holla back woo woo. It's a beautiful Sunday. Off to the shopping centre to partake in some sales. Kailee will join us for a most exquisite experience. Hopefully I will add to the geekmode on my journey this day.

Kailee is so cute. My little girl is really tall now. I would show you guys, but I don't have the cable for my digital camera that connects to my CPU. lol. In other news. Much congratulations are in order to Leo Uemura, better known as, tensaikun. He has won the UCLA Tekken 4 Tournament over the weekend. Excellent work Leo. :) SDT is proud of you.

Til' then. I'll be gone til November. I'll be gone til November. And give a kiss to my mother. Some things in life go unappreciated, tis true, but noticed by few. A word to the wise and a bit of advice, resort to one's honor or your ass is a goner. I don't know why the fuck I'm typing like this today. Must be because I haven't had any geekmode action as of late. Damn it.


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